Stack based buffer overflow due to corrpued EMF being parsed in MPS.dll.
Crash Dump:
MPS.dll + 0x36EDA (id: 857, no function symbol available)
MPS.dll + 0xA4355 (id: 44f, no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x1010F90F (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101018 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0xF101010 (no function symbol available)
0x101010F2 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0x10101010 (no function symbol available)
0xFF050010 (no function symbol available)
eax=00000001 ebx=1e664fa0 ecx=00000002 edx=000001e0 esi=00cfddf4 edi=2e7aab20
eip=2aa86eda esp=00cfd158 ebp=00cfd47c iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00000202
fpcw=027F: rn 53 puozdi fpsw=4000: top=0 cc=1000 -------- fptw=FFFF
fopcode=0000 fpip=0000:51ea5769 fpdp=0000:00000000
st0= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000 st1= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000
st2= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000 st3= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000
st4= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000 st5= 1.600000000000000000000e+0001
st6= 0.000000000000000000000e+0000 st7= 1.611000000000000000000e+0004
mm0=0000000000000000 mm1=0000000000000000
mm2=0000000000000000 mm3=0000000000000000
mm4=0000000000000000 mm5=8000000000000000
mm6=0000000000000000 mm7=fbb8000000000000
xmm0=0 0 0 0
xmm1=0 0 0 0
xmm2=0 0 0 0
xmm3=0 0 0 0
xmm4=0 0 0 0
xmm5=0 0 0 0
xmm6=0 0 0 9
xmm7=0 0 0 0.5
dr0=00000000 dr1=00000000 dr2=00000000
dr3=00000000 dr6=00000000 dr7=00000000
2aa86eda cd29 int 29h
Disassembly of stack frame 1 at MPS.dll + 0x36EDA
2aa86e28 50 push eax
2aa86e29 e83f7d0000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x1ac6d (2aa8eb6d)
2aa86e2e 0bc0 or eax,eax
2aa86e30 7416 je MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12f48 (2aa86e48)
2aa86e32 8b4320 mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+20h]
2aa86e35 3d30324356 cmp eax,56433230h
2aa86e3a 750c jne MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12f48 (2aa86e48)
2aa86e3c 8b4324 mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+24h]
2aa86e3f 0bc0 or eax,eax
2aa86e41 7412 je MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12f55 (2aa86e55)
2aa86e43 53 push ebx
2aa86e44 ffd0 call eax
2aa86e46 eb0d jmp MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12f55 (2aa86e55)
2aa86e48 8b431c mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+1Ch]
2aa86e4b 50 push eax
2aa86e4c 56 push esi
2aa86e4d e893770000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x1a6e5 (2aa8e5e5)
2aa86e52 83c408 add esp,8
2aa86e55 6a00 push 0
2aa86e57 8b4314 mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+14h]
2aa86e5a e836780000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x1a795 (2aa8e695)
2aa86e5f 8bd3 mov edx,ebx
2aa86e61 8b5a04 mov ebx,dword ptr [edx+4]
2aa86e64 8b7a08 mov edi,dword ptr [edx+8]
2aa86e67 8b720c mov esi,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
2aa86e6a 8b44245c mov eax,dword ptr [esp+5Ch]
2aa86e6e 83f801 cmp eax,1
2aa86e71 83d000 adc eax,0
2aa86e74 8b6210 mov esp,dword ptr [edx+10h]
2aa86e77 83c404 add esp,4
2aa86e7a ff6214 jmp dword ptr [edx+14h]
2aa86e7d 8be5 mov esp,ebp
2aa86e7f 5d pop ebp
2aa86e80 c3 ret
2aa86e81 e9dafc0a00 jmp MPS!MPSRecognizeWMF+0x8e410 (2ab36b60)
2aa86e86 55 push ebp
2aa86e87 8bec mov ebp,esp
2aa86e89 ff15e041d62a call dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x19da20 (2ad641e0)]
2aa86e8f 6a01 push 1
2aa86e91 a3c453e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25ec04 (2ae253c4)],eax
2aa86e96 e8167d0000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x1acb1 (2aa8ebb1)
2aa86e9b ff7508 push dword ptr [ebp+8]
2aa86e9e e8d66f0000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x19f79 (2aa8de79)
2aa86ea3 833dc453e22a00 cmp dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25ec04 (2ae253c4)],0
2aa86eaa 59 pop ecx
2aa86eab 59 pop ecx
2aa86eac 7508 jne MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12fb6 (2aa86eb6)
2aa86eae 6a01 push 1
2aa86eb0 e8fc7c0000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x1acb1 (2aa8ebb1)
2aa86eb5 59 pop ecx
2aa86eb6 68090400c0 push 0C0000409h
2aa86ebb e8a46f0000 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x19f64 (2aa8de64)
2aa86ec0 59 pop ecx
2aa86ec1 5d pop ebp
2aa86ec2 c3 ret
2aa86ec3 55 push ebp
2aa86ec4 8bec mov ebp,esp
2aa86ec6 81ec24030000 sub esp,324h
2aa86ecc 6a17 push 17h
2aa86ece e86f9e0100 call MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x2ce42 (2aaa0d42)
2aa86ed3 85c0 test eax,eax
2aa86ed5 7405 je MPS!MPSToAGMColorSpace+0x12fdc (2aa86edc)
2aa86ed7 6a02 push 2
2aa86ed9 59 pop ecx
2aa86eda cd29 int 29h // current instruction
2aa86edc a3a851e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9e8 (2ae251a8)],eax
2aa86ee1 890da451e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9e4 (2ae251a4)],ecx
2aa86ee7 8915a051e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9e0 (2ae251a0)],edx
2aa86eed 891d9c51e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9dc (2ae2519c)],ebx
2aa86ef3 89359851e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9d8 (2ae25198)],esi
2aa86ef9 893d9451e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9d4 (2ae25194)],edi
2aa86eff 668c15c051e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25ea00 (2ae251c0)],ss
2aa86f06 668c0db451e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9f4 (2ae251b4)],cs
2aa86f0d 668c1d9051e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9d0 (2ae25190)],ds
2aa86f14 668c058c51e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9cc (2ae2518c)],es
2aa86f1b 668c258851e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9c8 (2ae25188)],fs
2aa86f22 668c2d8451e22a mov word ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9c4 (2ae25184)],gs
2aa86f29 9c pushfd
2aa86f2a 8f05b851e22a pop dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9f8 (2ae251b8)]
2aa86f30 8b4500 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp]
2aa86f33 a3ac51e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9ec (2ae251ac)],eax
2aa86f38 8b4504 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+4]
2aa86f3b a3b051e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9f0 (2ae251b0)],eax
2aa86f40 8d4508 lea eax,[ebp+8]
2aa86f43 a3bc51e22a mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9fc (2ae251bc)],eax
2aa86f48 8b85dcfcffff mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-324h]
2aa86f4e c705f850e22a01000100 mov dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e938 (2ae250f8)],10001h
2aa86f58 a1b051e22a mov eax,dword ptr [MPS!MPSOptions+0x25e9f0 (2ae251b0)]